Some of the best trained people on the entire planet have been produced by the United States Military.
Whether they enlisted or attended West Point or the Naval Academy, the military has a long lineage of training remarkable people to perform at high levels, regardless of circumstance. Despite all that, in 2014 there were over 500,000 unemployed veterans in the United States. Of those approximately half a million unemployed veterans, approximately 220,000 are veterans from the the recent Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
This is leaving a huge opportunity for employers to employ veterans, and in a lot of cases, receive a nearly $9,600 tax credit for doing so. Despite all that, there’s a clear disconnect in the number of jobs being filled by veterans.
The tech sector needs veterans.
The tech sector is in the middle of a hiring problem as well, albeit the exact opposite of the veterans’ plight. The tech sector has more jobs than it does qualified candidates to fill them.
Take Wilmington, Delaware for example. The relatively small city of approximately 71,000 had over 650 jobs having to do with Java and .NET coding go unfilled because of the lack of qualified candidates. There are high paying, in-demand skills that are translatable across industries.
Zip Code Wilmington from the Kitchen on Vimeo.
The seemingly illogical part of this problem is that the necessary skills to qualify for a lot of these tech jobs can be acquired without obtaining a traditional, expensive college degree. Many times, the skills can be learned in a relatively short period of time, through the acquisition of relevant certifications.
Check out the infographic below to see what skills veterans have that help them get tech jobs today.